I don't know what to think about the situation we have today? This unprecedented and disruptive situation including fear of lacking provisions can allow us to worry about safeguard biodiversity? Many people think how to store food...in the event of a prolonged confinement. For example the water and plastic bottles. We have seen this days images of shopping carts filled with water packs. We can be against all this plastic but how shall we do? If there is no good drinking water distribution system and no sanitation system at home...how to store water with less environmental impact? We will see that it's not always easy to change things significantly at individual level...through everyone's willingness and resources So what can we do to improve that ?
1. Better recycling in the cities In some cities or areas in France we can recycle pretty much everything. But only 56% of the plastic bottles are recycled. And not all the areas have the same system. Some of them recycle all plastics, even yoghurt pots ! It's too bad it's not national, because it could be benefitting everybody. I also think people should and could recycle more, because in my opinion, they don't realize that our planet and environment are destroyed by this little pieces of plastic.
2. Buy big bottles tu use less plastic It's only logical ! Even if you're alone, a 5L bottle will approximately last 3 days. And the water is still the same at day 3, trust me ! If you can, because it's a little bit hard to transport, and if the brand you use does 5L bottles, go for it ! Or change of brand, maybe you'll find a better one ! You'll be proud of you for your contribution to a better environment.
I don't know what to think about the situation we have today? This unprecedented and disruptive situation including fear of lacking provisions can allow us to worry about safeguard biodiversity? Many people think how to store food...in the event of a prolonged confinement. For example the water and plastic bottles. We have seen this days images of shopping carts filled with water packs. We can be against all this plastic but how shall we do? If there is no good drinking water distribution system and no sanitation system at home...how to store water with less environmental impact? We will see that it's not always easy to change things significantly at individual level...through everyone's willingness and resources So what can we do to improve that ? 1. Better recycling in the cities In some cities or areas in France we can recycle pretty much everything. But only 56% of the plastic bottles are recycled. And not all the areas have the same system. Some of them recycle all plastics, even yoghurt pots ! It's too bad it's not national, because it could be benefitting everybody. I also think people should and could recycle more, because in my opinion, they don't realize that our planet and environment are destroyed by this little pieces of plastic. 2. Buy big bottles tu use less plastic It's only logical ! Even if you're alone, a 5L bottle will approximately last 3 days. And the water is still the same at day 3, trust me ! If you can, because it's a little bit hard to transport, and if the brand you use does 5L bottles, go for it ! Or change of brand, maybe you'll find a better one ! You'll be proud of you for your contribution to a better environment. 3. We could return to glass Glass presents a lot of benefits and littles drawbacks. Even if his production rejects almost 3 times most Co2 than plastic, he has a lot of good points on his side. In France, 86% of glass are recycled every year, which is 30% most than plastic bottles. Plus, it doesn't come from oil, which certainly is bad for our health and the planet, but from sand and minerals. It doesn't interact with the substances he is in contact with, and microscopic life like virus, can't hang on it. With the daily use of glass, we could also use the deposits, like our grand parents who went to the grocery store and returned their bottles of milk in exchange of the deposit. And we could use again and again our glass containers and not necesarly recycle ! 4. Reverse osmosis to clean the water from the tap We all know that the water from the tap is not always the best... she can have a weird taste or some particles in it... and reverse osmosis is here to fix all of it ! It purifies the water, using natural and without danger substances to do so. The water flows in different filters, cleaning her up from the heavy metals, the residues from drugs, bacteria and virus. Then the osmoser does the balance of the water, because she has to contain a certain quantity of minerals. Right after, the water is in your glass ! It's a system that goes on your tap, and the filters have to get changed every year. This system has a cost, but according to the firm, the price is not the same. In Quimper for example, a system like this, that I had a chance to use, costs you 17 euros per month. It's a little invesment for a better water and maybe a better life ! So we can see there are a lot of alternatives to plastic bottles ! The best combinaison is for me, the reverse osmosis in glass containers ! We could recycle them over and over, and even use the same container for the rest of our life ! Plastic pollution is a real shame for our planet, and we have so much ideas and possibilities that we can put into actions ! But we need everyone behind us, even the governments, to succeed.ecycle ! 4. Reverse osmosis to clean the water from the tap We all know that the water from the tap is not always the best... she can have a weird taste or some particles in it... and reverse osmosis is here to fix all of it ! It purifies the water, using natural and without danger substances to do so. The water flows in different filters, cleaning her up from the heavy metals, the residues from drugs, bacteria and virus. Then the osmoser does the balance of the water, because she has to contain a certain quantity of minerals. Right after, the water is in your glass ! It's a system that goes on your tap, and the filters have to get changed every year. This system has a cost, but according to the firm, the price is not the same. In Quimper for example, a system like this, that I had a chance to use, costs you 17 euros per month. It's a little invesment for a better water and maybe a better life ! So we can see there are a lot of alternatives to plastic bottles ! The best combinaison is for me, the reverse osmosis in glass containers ! We could recycle them over and over, and even use the same container for the rest of our life ! Plastic pollution is a real shame for our planet, and we have so much ideas and possibilities that we can put into actions ! But we need everyone behind us, even the governments, to succeed.
And you how do you manage your water consumption?
Tell us in the comments!
Of course ! All of this is essential ! The more those informations are shared the more people will know about it. Thank you. It is our duty to protect the beauty that is giving birth to us.
Hello there!
Your post corroborates my thought about how sustainability was less of a priority during major crisis. The situation you evoked, carts filled with bottled water, left me perplex too. Even while going through a global pandemic, I guess the running water supply wouldn’t stop that easily. And to be honest, bottles of water are just so heavy and cumbersome that it may be smarter to just buy food and drink tap water.
I really like your analysis on how to improve the situation. I wish the recycling was better. It’s such a shame that we sort our wastes, and still, sometimes, they aren’t processed separately. Returning to glass could be great! I love my father's stories on how…
It happens that I heard recently that there are actually more plastic particles in the ocean than stars in the universe!! It is definitely an urgent matter, thanks for sharing your thoughts and tips :)
This article is an usefull article because it deals with a subject of capital importance plastic bottles and more generally pollution. You show us than water is a basic need but plastic is not. We need to find solutions to reduce or consumption of plastic. And you expose us many alternatives to plastic bottle who show us that everybody can help if they want to and a single contribution can help a lot. This article empowers people and it's a good thing.
Thank you for these interesting alternatives. I actually didn't think about managing my water consumption and plastic polution, until I read your article. Now, I probably will... I just used to try not to use water too much... I truly believe that if everyone on earth took one or more of these alternatives as an habit, it could really help the planet...